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Bringing health and wellness back to schools one field at a time.


Any shape, any size, any color and your choice of sports and activities – that’s the beauty of a Kickabout customizable play surface. Whether you choose to incorporate a mini-soccer field, hopscotch, tetherball, running lanes, or four square, a Kickabout can be designed to fit your space and provide a reliable, low maintenance, and affordable solution to maximize your outdoor area and fuel interest in physical fitness and wellness programs at your school.

Whether you choose to incorporate a mini-soccer field, hopscotch, tetherball, or four square, rest assured that you have a low maintenance space that will increase your children’s activity level and well-being.

The Benefits of a Kickabout

  • Customizable color, shape, and size - from 2,000 to 20,000 sq. ft.
  • Choose from a variety of sports or activities for your surface – soccer, funnel ball, hopscotch, tetherball, and four square are some of the many options available.
  • Reliable surface with built-in drainage, requires no downtime after severe weather. Stays safe, dry, and ready for fun!
  • Low maintenance, environmentally-friendly – requires little or no water, no mowing.
  • Cooler surface temperature when selecting organic infill.
  • Additional padding available for added safety under existing playground equipment. No hassle of removing existing playground equipment, we can install around it.
  • Ignites physical education and nutritional curriculums, making it a great fitness and wellness solution.

A Kickabout custom play surface features exciting games and activities to teach the rudimentary skills of sports, and all that comes with it. Children will learn to participate in a group, learn teamwork, follow instructions, cooperate with peers, develop gross motor skills, and reap all the benefits of staying physically active.

Besides the physical activity and curriculum benefits, a Kickabout will bring value to your facility by optimizing your space and providing a low maintenance play area. Rain or shine, the Kickabout field or playground turf will be readily available through rapid drainage, providing a non-slippery surface that will keep your kids expelling energy outside, instead of them being bored and stuck indoors. A Kickabout will always look green and beautiful – no mud, water puddles, mowing, or fertilizing.

Building a soccer field requires a substantial budget, but the Kickabout field can incorporate a mini-soccer pitch and other activities without breaking the bank. The Kickabout offers an affordable solution for smaller spaces and the attractive playground design may even result in increased enrollment and popularity of your school or organization.


Tons of customizable options and a large amount of flexibility, allow you to install your future playground in areas anywhere from 2,000 to 20,000 square feet. All a Kickabout needs to get started is a relatively flat area, stable soil, and a bit of creativity!